Signature Boston
Events Calendar 2016

Managing Up: Tips for Young Professionals to Maximize Success

November 14, 2019

Presented by Marsha Flanagan, M.Ed., Vice President of Learning Experiences – IAEE

Ever heard the word “Managing Up”, wondering exactly what it means and how this strategy can be effective for your career success?  Quite simply, Managing up is one of the most valuable soft skills you can develop in your career, especially as a young professional. It’s an important concept that speaks to the many ways modern workplaces and workplace relationships are evolving. It’s about building a relationship that fosters more communication, collaboration, and understanding between people at different levels of power, perspectives, and skills. We don’t always get to choose who leads us, but we do have the opportunity to better our working situation and it’s about doing what you can to take charge, be efficient and making your boss’s job easier. Mastering these skills will help you build your reputation for effectiveness and grow a successful career.

Remember, managers are regular people but often times, employees feel the need to treat them like they know everything. They rely on managers to make all the decisions and assume they are always the correct one.  It’s important to be aware that managers possess strengths and weaknesses. Understanding how to navigate both of these, can be critical to operating at maximum performance levels.  Managers learning when to manage down and staff learning to manage up can make all the difference in continued success for a department or organization.

Hear tips on how you can be more effective, anticipating your manager’s needs, understanding your manager’s and team’s goals and learn how to manage up, and proactively strive for success!


12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CDT