Signature Boston

Professional Spotlight

    You may upload a video or write out your responses. We always love seeing your faces live though!

    Note: If you will be responding in writing - please be as detailed as possible in your responses. Ideally, we would like your entire spotlight to be at least 300 words.

    *To submit your video, please scroll down to the Questions section.

    * Required Fields

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Your Email*



    Member ID



    University of Education:

    How long have you been an IAEE member?

    Please answer a minimum of 5 of the following questions.

    You may either write out your answers or submit a video.

    Link to video submission (YouTube, Dropbox, etc.)

    If you are having trouble submitting your video, please email Lisa Buchanan at

    How did you start your career in this industry?

    How has IAEE shaped your career?

    What advice would you give to a new member?

    Fun fact about you - What is one thing most people don't know about you?

    What do you like most about your chapter?

    What community service projects do you like to be involved in? Why?

    What would you say is the #1 IAEE member benefit?

    What do you like most about Expo! Expo!?

    How do you use CEIR research, and what reports have you downloaded?

    Without using a specific company name, what new technology on the market can you just not live without? Why?

    How do you currently use social media for your events?

    Company website

    Company Twitter Handle

    Company Facebook Handle

    Company LinkedIn Handle

    Company Instagram Handle

    Head Shot (only 400Kb):