The premier resource for exhibition and event industry professionals


Having a vision requires you to see the dots and take a step back to think about how they connect. Learn what factors are necessary to creating and implementing a strong organizational vision via Shelley Row, PE, CSP.
Learn 14 tips for creating a more inclusive workplace (most require fewer than 60 seconds) from Lindsey Pollak.
Discover tips for employers to best manage remote workers from Lindsey Pollak
In the press of day-to-day responsibilities, it’s easy to forget the bigger picture and wider world. Discover 5 key lessons Anita Torres learned as a mountain biker that she applied to become a better business leader.

Originally published by Shelley Row, P.E., CSP on 6 January Hard-to-work-with, passive-aggressive, disagreeable, arrogant, unresponsive, unmotivated, angry. Know anyone like that? Rational, levelheaded, thoughtful, curious, respectful, friendly, easy-to-get-along-with, agreeable. You […]

Read about the challenges to building a future-ready workforce and tips to strengthen the current work environment according to five industry leaders by Michelle Bruno.

Originally published by Shelley Row, P.E., CSP on 26 November We’re learning about the ten skills that technical professionals need when they become a manager. Today let’s discuss the importance of […]

Technology has increased the opportunity for interruption because social and mobile technologies have changed the way employees create, share and communicate. Learn ways to minimize workplace distractions with 4imprint.
Learn how to shift your thinking to recognize and value feelings with Shelley Row, PE, CSP.
Are you calm and clear-sighted when adversity hits? Read Shelley Row, PE, CSP’s 4 Anchors to Weather Any Storm for tips to withstand hardship in your professional and personal life
Your company anniversary is a unique opportunity to not only celebrate your employees and clients but also to cultivate business. Read the latest Blue Paper from 4imprint.
If gasoline powers our cars, electricity powers our devices and food powers our cells, then what powers your heart to be your best self? Read Anita's 7 strategies on how to become the leader you really want to be so others will follow.
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