Sue McCart is President of HFI Event Services and a member of IAEE’s Chapter Leaders Council. Sue has been an IAEE member for 34 years. She recently shared with IAEE her perspective on the importance of leadership within one’s local chapter and why she has stayed true to IAEE over three decades.
How did you get involved in leadership within your chapter?
I just jumped in to the chapter’s leadership opportunities so I could learn and give back.
What chapter committees do you serve on currently and/or have served on in the past?
I am currently the Immediate Past Chair of the Southeastern Chapter and the 2017 IAEE Chapter Leaders Chair. Formerly, I served as the 2016 IAEESE Chapter Chair and have been on the IAEESE Board for several years. Locally, I have participated in the Website Committee, the Education Committee, and the Awards Committee. Additionally, I have been a member of the IAEE Chapter Leaders Committee and the 2013-2015 CEIR Fundraising Council.
What have you gotten out of volunteering for your chapter?
IAEE is MY organization. I do not belong to any other industry associations. Getting involved at the chapter level and the international level has been wonderful for networking, learning, and giving back to the industry that has fed my passion – and my living – for close to 40 years.
What is your favorite chapter activity?
I get jazzed when we have an awesome educational program and the members leave talking about it. We try to make our luncheon programs informative, interactive and fun. Of course, I would put our annual Summer Classic at the top of the list!