Signature Boston
Events Calendar 2016

Selling Through Crisis: A Discussion for Sales Professionals

April 14, 2020

Some suggest that selling during turbulent times is to be tone-deaf — that it ignores the nature of the crisis.  Like most things, there is some truth to the idea that business-as-usual or ignoring the severity of the circumstances, makes one possibly appear to be self-oriented.

It’s important to acknowledge that the market is not business-as-usual. We must also recognize the severity of our collective challenges, along with our desire to also work with and help our clients and prospects, many of whom need even more help with their businesses and, who can very well benefit from your product or service during these troubled times.

How do you ethically sell, and differentiate from the competition, while providing value in this environment? Listen to this relevant discussion on how to sell through crisis.

No registration required. This webinar is being pre-recorded. The webinar recording will be available on MemberLink on Tuesday, 14 April in the following communities: Open Forum, the Free Webinars section and in the Library of Learning under the Sales folder.