Mentor Information

If you work in the exhibitions and events industry, then you have something to share with our emerging leaders. We ask that you help an emerging leader learn from your experiences and professional knowledge.

For four months, you will be paired with a mentee whose interest matches your professional area. After the four months, we encourage you to continue your relationship with your mentee.

Mentor Requirements

Mentor Responsibilities

COMMUNICATE with the mentee. They are eager to meet you. Call them back as soon as possible.

DEDICATE yourself to the four months by planning on meeting face to face at least three times and via phone and/or email twice per month. IAEE and the mentee appreciate the fact that you are volunteering to participate in our emerging leader’s professional growth and development.

ENGAGE with the mentee and take a stake in this process. Ask questions and facilitate the mentees growth.

LISTENING is a fantastic way to understand the mentee’s areas of concerns and what areas they are requiring growth. Listen to the mentee in the same way you would like to be listened to.

Mentor Benefits

Ways to Foster a Good Relationship