Marketing is not an exact science. It includes a number of strategies and tactics that are constantly evolving so they can address changing social, cultural and economic circumstances effectively. The creation of a marketing plan that includes core practices as well as new ideas, innovations and unique points of view allows for the creation of an exhibition that may have begun as just a concept. The goal of an exhibition is to provide an appropriate environment in which buyers and sellers can come together face to face. Today’s technology increasingly permits the show organizer to extend the useful life of an exhibition by employing digital tools, thus further enriching the show experience.
After completing this course, the participant should be able to:
Location: On-demand
Fee: $350 for members; $605 for non-members
This on-demand course can be taken at any time and accessed at any time once it is purchased. You may complete the course in as little or as much time as needed. Once you complete the course, you will be able to access the exam. You do not need an exam password or a proctor, you can take the exam immediately following course completion. If you are recertifying, you do not need to take the exam and receive five credits towards your CEM recertification.