MATSO Governance
After a year of in-depth discussion between IAEE and MATSO leadership, the IAEE MATSO Council was announced in December 2013 in Houston at Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition. The focus of the MATSO Council is on all functional aspects of major show production in keeping with the original vision. The IAEE MATSO Council is governed by the IAEE Bylaws, Article IX, which outlines the council’s authority (detailed in the MATSO charge). MATSO will have an ex-officio representative on the IAEE board of directors and a staff liaison assigned to coordinate support between IAEE departments.
To present the viewpoint and advance the success of the major trade show [at least 200,000 NSF] and to provide a mechanism for the exchange and dissemination of information relevant to that audience.
To be viewed as the authority on issues relevant to all stakeholders of major trade shows [at least 200,000 NSF].
Interested in joining the MATSO Council?
2025 MATSO Council

Lisa Malikow, Chairperson
Senior Vice President, Event Operations & Programming
National Restaurant Association Show / Informa Connect

Kate Hawley, CEM, Vice Chairperson
Director, Business Development
Water Environment Federation

Mark Bogdansky, Immediate Past Chairperson
Vice President, Tradeshows and Community Engagement
Auto Care Association

Melodie Anderson, CEM, DES
Vice President, Meeting & Exhibit Experiences.
Institute of Food Technologists

Camile Candella
Group Vice President
Emerald X

Merideth Newman, CEM
Senior Director, Trade Shows
The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies (PMMI)

Christy Spahn
Vice President, Expo Operations & Sales,
International Association of Amusement Parks & Attractions (IAAPA)

Ryan Strowger, CEM
Vice President, Trade Shows & Meetings
International Signs Association

Andy Tompkins
Trade Show Director
Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)

Ellen Tucker, CAE, MAS
Vice President
Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)

Gwen Venable, CEM
Executive Vice President – EXPO and Communication Services, U.S. Poultry and Egg Association

Dana Wuesthoff, CEM
Vice President, Exhibitions Data & Technology Applications
Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)
2025 IAEE Leadership
Marsha Flanagan, M.Ed., CEM
President & CEO
Nicole Bowman, MBA, CEM-AP
Staff Marketing
VP of Marketing & Communications
Jason Ware
Staff Lead
Vice President, Events & Experiences
Stacy Powers, CEM
Staff Program
Director of Learning Experiences
Beverly Benbow, M. Sc.
Staff Nominating
Director: Governance, Board and Committee Administration
IAEE MATSO Council Charge
The IAEE MATSO Council is comprised of not-for-profit association and for-profit exhibition organizers whose shows are at least 200,000 NSF of exhibition space. The focus of the MATSO Council is on all functional aspects of large show production: marketing and sales, legislation, labor, international challenges, and operations. The MATSO Council encourages conversations of members fitting the criteria. The MATSO Council will provide a forum to support in-depth problem solving in a competition-free environment based on a foundation of confidentiality and trust.
The IAEE MATSO Council will abide by the IAEE Bylaws. Article IX outlines the Council’s authority, including electing a chair to serve on the IAEE Board of Directors. The chairperson of the Council will present reports to the IAEE board directors at its meetings. The Council will abide by the IAEE Antitrust Policy.
The MATSO Council encourages conversations between members fitting the criteria as stated above. The IAEE MATSO Council will provide a forum to support in-depth problem solving in a competition-free environment based on a foundation of confidentiality and trust.
Goals of the IAEE MATSO Council include but are not limited to:
- Providing a forum of support for in-depth conversation and problem-solving addressing major show challenges.
- Developing best practices unique to major-scale exhibitions
- Developing position statements on issues that impact major-scale exhibitions
- Encouraging conversations via face-to-face meetings and on the Council’s private forum on IAEE MemberLink
- Encouraging membership in IAEE, and hence in the MATSO Community made up of the MATSO Council and qualifying members
- Encouraging all MATSO Community members meeting criteria to submit their show’s data to the CEIR Index
As is the case with other Councils and committees of IAEE, a staff liaison will be appointed to assist with administrative details, including coordinating with other IAEE departments:
- Education/program development
- Meeting operations and logistics
- Marketing and communication (including promoting the value of the IAEE MATSO Council to both current and prospective IAEE members meeting the MATSO criteria)
The IAEE MATSO Council will abide by the IAEE Bylaws. Article IX outlines the Council’s authority, including electing a chair to serve on the IAEE Board of Directors. The chairperson of the Council will present reports to the IAEE board directors at its meetings. The Council will abide by the IAEE Antitrust Policy.