Awards Committee
The purpose of the Awards Committee is to manage the IAEE Awards Program, in coordination with the staff. The Committee, in consultation with the professional staff, develops rules and procedures for the selection of recipients. The Committee assists in the promotion of the awards program.
Charge to the Awards Committee for FY 2025:
- Among members and the industry, ignite excitement and enthusiasm for the awards IAEE presents.
- Engage chapter leaders to identify and nominate IAEE members who should be recognized.
- Provide advance publicity of each award’s significance and profile winners in the various IAEE marketing channels.
- Recommend procedures to emphasize award presentations at the Annual Meeting.
2025 Chairperson
Melissa Petricolas, CEM, CMP
Account Executive
Vista Convention Services
Board Liaison
2025 IAEE Board Ex-Officio – Past Chairpersons’ Advisory Group
Chris Brown
Founder and CEO
Level-Up Strategies
Staff Lead
Mary Tucker
Senior Communications & Content Manager