This page details the various types of events IAEE offers and the multitude of options available to meet your goals and objectives.
Advertising Opportunities
Women's Leadership Forum
10-11 April | Washington, D.C.
(in conjunction with Business Events Industry Week)
IAEE’s Women’s Leadership Forum (WLF) is designed to focus on topics that are unique to women in the exhibitions and events industry. It is tailored for all women regardless of age, individual situation or current position held within their company. The forum will cap out at 200 attendees and provides knowledge and strategies to succeed in current positions, as well as motivation and inspiration to take careers to the next level. The program is timely and relevant to challenges and opportunities that women are facing in the workplace.

Partnerships at WLF
WLF welcomes a wide variety of partnerships to fit your needs and to make it a special experience for these attendees.
Partnership opportunities include:
- Speaker books for attendees
- Specialty gifts for attendees – chargers, purses, bags, cosmetics, etc.
- Networking Lunch Partner
- Pre–conference breakfast partner
- Networking activity and happy hour partner
There are five (5) levels of partnerships available for signature Women’s Leadership Forum. Similar to Expo! Expo!, these are the benefits included in your overall sponsorship based on the amount spent.
2024 Partner Opportunities are sold out. Pricing options below are for the 2025 event.
Diamond $25,000
- Name and/or branding on event press release(s)
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on registration page
- Branding on WLF event site
- Recognition on IAEE’s social media channels
- Four (4) complimentary registrations for company representatives
- Four (4) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
- Branding on all signage
- Opportunity to address the group at the reception
- Brand and welcome letter in the conference program booklet
- Recognition at luncheon
- Recognition at closing session
- Name and/or brand on attendee feedback forms
- Company Name on post-show press release
Emerald $17,500
- Name and/or brand on event press release(s)
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on WLF event site
- Three (3) complimentary registrations for company representatives
- Three (3) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
- Branding on all signage
- Recognition at luncheon
- Recognition at closing session
- Company name on post-show press release
Ruby $15,000
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on WLF event site
- Two (2) complimentary registrations for company representatives
- Two (2) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
- Branding on all signage
- Recognition at closing session
- Logo on post-show press release
Pearl $7,500
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on WLF event site
- One (1) complimentary registration for company representative
- One (1) complimentary registration for organizer customer
- Branding on all signage
- Recognition at closing session
- Company name on post-show press release
Supporting $5,000
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on WLF event site
- One (1) complimentary registration
- Branding on all signage
- Recognition at closing session
- Company name on post-show press release
Additional Opportunities for Exposure
Lunch Partner $17,500
- Partner to be recognized as Lunch Partner
- Opportunity to do a meet & greet with attendees during lunch (network and mingle with attendees)
- Three (3) complimentary registrations for partner staff
- Three (3) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
- Logo on all WLF signage
- Brand recognition at closing session
- Logo on post-show press release
- Attendee list, name and company, opt-in only
Breakfast Partner $12,500
- Partner to be recognized as Breakfast Experience and Table Partner
- Dedicated area for partner to have two (1) table for marketing and distribution of material during breakfast
- Two (2) complimentary registrations company staff
- Two (2) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
- Logo on all signage
- Brand recognition at closing session
- Logo on post-show press release
Table Partner $6,000
- Partner will receive one reserved table of six (6)
- Two (2) complimentary registration for company staff
- Four (4) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
Attendee Gift Partner $10,000
- Provide a gift for all attendees as an in-kind contribution
- Ability to put marketing material with or in gift
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Brand recognition on WLF event site
- One (1) complimentary registration for company representative
- Two (2) complimentary registrations for organizer customers
- Brand recognition on all signage
- Recognition at closing session
- Brand recognition on post-show press release
AM Break Partner $4,500
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on WLF event site and during break
- One (1) complimentary registration for company representative
- Branding on all signage
- Recognition at closing session
- Company name on post-show press release
PM Break Partner $4,500
- Brand recognition on all marketing materials
- Branding on WLF event site and during break
- One (1) complimentary registration for company representative
- Branding on all signage
- Recognition at closing session
- Company name on post-show press release
Partnership opportunities for AV, floral, furniture, airlines, registration, video, photography, signage, etc. are available.
Contact Rick Jennings, CEM or Karen Gonzales, CMP-F, CEM for more information.
IAEE Leadership Conference
The IAEE Leadership Conference brings together individuals interested in learning more about themselves so they can become effective strategists, contributors, facilitators, and the innovators of the future. This highly interactive curriculum integrates theory and practice to ensure institute participants leave capable of both thinking better and doing better. Included as part of the attendee base, all IAEE Chapter President-Elects will be in attendance.
Partnership Opportunities
- Title Partner | $22,500 (SOLD)
- AV Partner | $6,000
- Lunch Partner | $7,500
- Attendee Breaks Partner (3 total) | $7,000
- Dinner Partner | $10,000
- Breakfast Partner | $5,000
- Social Giving Partner | $5,000
IAEE Expo! Expo! Annual Meeting & Exhibition

17-19 December | Los Angeles, CA
Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition is the “show for shows.” Exhibition and events industry professionals attend this premier show to learn about the latest industry trends and technology, as well as network with like minded professionals. This spectacular face-to-face meeting provides attendees with a diverse marketplace to view and assess the tools needed to plan and manage successful trade shows and events for years to come.
Expo! Expo! fosters an environment of thought leadership, best practices and innovative solutions for show organizers to apply in real time for effective results. No other trade show in the industry brings such a diverse group of buyers and sellers together for face-to-face interaction.
All partners receive maximum exposure to the Expo! Expo! audience before, during and after the event. Your company may choose any combination of partnerships, advertising, and live events to create the most effective traffic-building and brand exposure program possible to meet your needs and goals.
You will be placed in the coinciding level based on the options you choose to sponsor and dollars recognized. Therefore, in addition to the benefits you may receive while sponsoring a specific event or program, you also receive the additional benefits below for your category.
Strategic $50,000+
- Strategic Show Partner sign to be displayed in your booth
- Brand recognition in the mobile app
- Complimentary 10×10 exhibit space
- Link from the Expo! Expo! event site to the partner’s Web page
- Four (4) complimentary full access registration badges
- Branding in all general Expo! Expo! email communications to promote the event.
- 25% discount on IAEE advertising opportunities
- Pre and post show opt-in attendee email list
Visionary $20,000+
- Visionary Show Partner recognition sign to be displayed in your booth
- Brand recognition in the mobile app
- Link from the Expo! Expo! event site to the partner’s Web page
- Two (2) complimentary full access registration badges
- Branding in all general Expo! Expo! email communications to promote the event.
- 20% discount on IAEE advertising
- Post show opt-in attendee email list
Collaborator $10,000+
- Collaborator Show Partner sign to be displayed in your booth
- Brand recognition in the mobile app
- Link from the Expo! Expo! event site to the partner’s Web page
- One (1) complimentary full access registration badges
- 15% discount on IAEE advertising opportunities
Associate $5,000+
- Associate Show Partner recognition sign to be displayed in your booth
- Brand recognition in the mobile app
- Link from the Expo! Expo! event site to the sponsor’s partner Web page
- 10% discount on IAEE advertising opportunities
Contributor: Up to $5,000
- Contributor Show Partner sign to be displayed in your booth
- Brand recognition in the mobile app
- Link from the Expo! Expo! event site to the partner’s Web page
General Sessions at Expo! Expo!

General Session: $30,000 (SOLD)
Attended by organizer attendees, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to be recognized from the stage before this important speaker. You will also be given an opportunity to address the audience of 800 -1,000 people.
Benefits include:
- Recognition as partner of the keynote speaker session on the video screen at the beginning and end of the session
- Recognition as partner on emails, website, and signage that mention the keynote session
- Partner to provide welcoming remarks (not to exceed 2 minutes) to the keynote session attendees (IAEE must receive and approve remarks prior to session)
- Partner to introduce the guest speaker
- Recognition on signage at the entrances and exits of session
Price: $30,000 (SOLD)
Having a relationship with IAEE since 1988 is a testimony to how important IAEE is to our organization. We couldn’t have grown or maintained our global business without working with IAEE’s staff, membership and networking opportunities. We have exhibited at every EXPO! EXPO! from the beginning and try not to miss any IAEE events!
Rich Stone, CEO, EXPOCAD
Education at Expo! Expo!

Education Tracks
The tracks will host all general education sessions on 17-19 December.
Benefits as an Education Track Partner:
- Distinctive exposure for use and affixed to the following:
- IAEE Expo! Expo! event site
- Onsite signage recognizing your company as partner
- Recognition as a partner of Expo! Expo! in-person education
- Recognition in all pre-show promotions as an event partner
- Recognition in the Expo! Expo! mobile app
- Partner may work with IAEE’s educational team to incorporate their branding into one of the rooms
- Partner may opt to have a staff member as a host/hostess for one of the education rooms
- Mailing list of all the show organizers that registered to attend in-person
- Post show opt-in attendee email list
2024 Education Tracks:
- Tracks to be determined!
Price: $10,000 per track
Executive Lunch | $25,000 (SOLD)
This C-level lunch is by invitation only to those who hold a VP title or higher. It provides a great opportunity to share ideas and network with leaders in the industry. Space is limited to 100 executives.
Benefits include:
- Partner to introduce the guest speaker and thank everyone for attending the breakfast
- Partner may provide an amenity or gift to the breakfast participants
- May invite a total of four (4) executives from your organization to participate
- A final guest list of participants will be provided to the partner after Expo! Expo!
- Partner recognition on all schedules, emails, website, and signage that mention the Executive Breakfast
- Partner recognition on the video screen at the beginning and end of the session
- Partner recognition on the session invite to attendees
Price: $25,000 (SOLD)
CEIR Education Session | $17,500
Each year during Expo! Expo!, the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) produces a program intended for an audience of C-level executives from key exhibition producing organizations and associations. Traditionally, the event serves as a platform for candid, innovative and “no holds barred” exploration of key issues facing the exhibitions and events industry. This session has an average attendance of 55-65 people.
Benefits include:
- Partner to offer welcome remarks (not to exceed 2 minutes) at the session
- Two (2) session invites for partner
- Recognition on the session invite to attendees
- Opportunity to provide a gift/amenity to session participants
- Recognition as sponsor of the session on signage, schedules, website, and any promotional pieces
Price: $17,500
Networking at Expo! Expo!

Hosted Buyers Program | $60,000 (SOLD)
To attract new organizer members/attendees and to create more value to exhibitors, IAEE has a comprehensive hosted buyer program to bring in new, highly qualified show organizer buyers. The program attracts 75-100 hosted buyers and facilitates buyer-exhibitor appointments on the show floor. This is a premier opportunity to have major face time with some of the top buyers in the industry.
Benefits include:
- IAEE will co-brand the Hosted Buyers Program with the partner’s name and logo
- Brand recognition on all references to the program including the website, schedule, emails, direct mail and onsite signage
- Host exclusive lounge available throughout Expo! Expo!, host opening orientation for Hosted Buyers, and host reception for buyers (Hosted buyers are required to visit the lounge)
- Partner may opt to place promotional collateral and/or an amenity on the lounge tables
- Partner may opt to have a staff member as a host for the lounge and reception
- Partner may work with IAEE to incorporate their branding into the lounge
- List of hosted buyers participants given to partner after the event
Price: $60,000 (SOLD)
First Timers’ Experience Program | $32,500
IAEE First Timers’ Program is an excellent opportunity to engage a captive audience of first-time, exhibition organizers at Expo! Expo!. The First Timers’ Program includes a special orientation luncheon, an opportunity to meet new colleagues, and a chance to receive guidance navigating the three (3) day show. It offers targeted, preevent and onsite exposure to the largest concentration of exhibition organizers and may be used to drive traffic to your booth. The average participation is 110-130 attendees.
Benefits include:
- Distinctive First Timers’ logo developed for exclusive use and
affixed to the following:- Expo! Expo! website
- Emails to potential attendees promoting the program
- Onsite signage
- Partner representative to provide welcome remarks at the First Timers Orientation Luncheon
- Partner may opt to place promotional materials and/or an amenity on seats
- Branding on IAEE email solely dedicated to the First Timers’ Experience – Know Before You Go
- Up to five (5) company representatives as program ambassadors to welcome attendees
- Complete list of attendees in the First Timers’ Program
Price: $32,500
Industry Leadership Dinner | $22,500
This annual leadership dinner is an exclusive opportunity to host some of the most influential leaders in our industry including the IAEE Board of Directors, and VIP guests. Dinner has an expected attendance of 80-100 people.
Benefits include:
- Partner may provide welcome remarks (not to exceed 2 minutes) to dinner guests
- Partner may provide an amenity or gift to the dinner guests
- Onsite brand recognition as exclusive partner of the dinner
- Partner may invite a total of four (4) executives from their organization to attend
- A final guest list will be provided to the partner after Expo! Expo!
- Brand recognition on all schedules, emails, website, and signage that mention the Leadership Dinner
- Branded communication piece that recognizes your company as partner of the dinner
- Emails solely to the dinner attendees recognizing your company as partner
Price: $22,500
Summit Club | $15,000 (SOLD)
This Lounge is designated for our most tenured members (over 10 years). They can meet, eat and relax in a setting branded and determined by you. (IAEE must approve final design and design must follow event brand guidelines).
Benefits include:
- Four (4) passes made available to your company
- Recognition as the Summit Club partner on all signage, website, emails, and other communications mentioning the club
- Recognition as partner on the email and/or printed invitation to Summit Club members
- Ability to work with IAEE to design the lounge and brand
Price: $15,000 (SOLD)

Young Professionals Party | $17,500
Host a party for the future leaders of the industry! This is a fun opportunity for professionals who are 35 and under to network and learn from each other as they are breaking into the industry. If you are looking for a way to engage the younger demographic with your company and build the future leaders of the events industry, then this is the event for you. Average attendance is 150.
Benefits include:
- Branding opportunities at venue (varies based on final venue selection)
- Opportunity to provide welcome remarks to the group during the party
- Brand recognition on party invitations
- IAEE to send out emails to potential attendees recognizing you as the partner
- Post-party attendee list
- Recognition on all signage, schedules, website, and emails, that mention the YP Party
Price: $17,500

Specialty Activations at Expo! Expo!
Lanyards (SOLD)
Your company name could appear on the lanyards provided to every attendee. This is great exposure for the entire meeting.
Price: $10,000 + cost of production (SOLD)

eShow Mails
An exhibitor email marketing program is being offered to a limited number of Expo! Expo! exhibitors. Special eShowMails — custom HTML-formatted emails — can be sent to the FULL (or partial) Expo! Expo! attendee list. This is a very exclusive opportunity, offered through our partner, Event Technologies, and is limited to just 20 participants and further restricted to a maximum of two messages per participant (1 pre-show and 1 post-show).
Benefits of this service:
- HTML-formatted to create a fully customizable message from you with your unique branding
- Email sent from IAEE
- Boost traffic, increase awareness, and notify attendees that you are participating
- $850 for pre-show message OR post-show message
- $1,500 for pre-show AND post-show messages

Expo! Expo! Attendee Email Registration Confirmations
Your banner ad will be placed in every attendee registration confirmation email. This is a great way to promote your company before the show and/or drive traffic to your booth.
- One (1) position available
- Size: 560px X 150px JPG or GIF (no animation)
Price: $6,000
Show Daily Videos at Expo! Expo! – Three (3) Available
Share your message through IAEE TV via the Show Daily. All IAEE-TV segments are posted to, shared on IAEE social media channels, and emailed to the IAEE database. You can be a part of the action by having your company message included.
- Interview with a company representative
- Partner logo included in monitor on digital set
- Watermark logo included on video lower thirds
- Partner mentioned by anchor during introduction and goodbye
- Inclusion of 30-second commercial provided by partner
Price: $12,500 per day
Specialty Pop-Up Notifications | $2,500 each (5 available)
Are you looking for a unique and engaging way to connect with buyers at Expo! Expo!? Look no further than IAEE’s Pop-up! With just a push notification sent by IAEE, you can invite buyers to meet you at your booth, a coffee stand, or any other location of your choice. Host them to a beverage or snack and share any new updates about your products and services. This fun and interactive experience is a great way to build relationships and connect with customers in a more relaxed setting.
- IAEE to send push notification to buyers of your choice.
- Exposure to buyers that you may have not been able to connect with during show hours
- Build relationships in a fun environment
Your company is responsible for costs associated for food/beverage or giveaways provided to buyers.
Don’t miss out on this chance to gain exposure to new buyers and build relationships in a fun and engaging environment.
Price: $2,500 each
Additionally, we get the benefit of building our connections to fellow IAEE members and important education for our team members, many of whom are CEM graduates and participate actively in other programs and events. We know that investing in IAEE is investing in our collective futures.